Tobin at work: not trying to stop the waves, and instead surfing. A metaphor we'll, ahem, dive into.
Embodied Awakening, and the Art of Suffering Skillfully with Tobin Giblin
How much suffering and pain — physical or otherwise — is necessary in this lifetime? What role does our will, our longing, to transform play in how we move through that pain? Is moving through pain a grace, or do you need to bust your ass to get it?
Great questions.
Tobin Giblin, an insightful and talented body-based therapist, and I go deep into these questions and more. Hope you enjoy.
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Tobin's website, including access to his free e-book, Emotional Alchemy.
The Art of Mindful Living: You Can't Stop the Waves, But You Can Learn to Surf
The Presence Process: A Journey Into Present Moment Awareness