And your HostGuest ...
This episode — in honor of wrapping up Season 1 of The Body Awake — the tables turn on your host and Liam gets interviewed. It's a peek behind the scenes, both of the show and of the heartmind of its host.
I hope you enjoy, as always, and see you back in the autumn for Season 2 of TBA 💛
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STAY IN TOUCH : follow my writing on facebook or on my writing page, and shoot me an email
Some of my poetry, online
My article "Fascia, Fluids, Nervous System: Past, Present, Future"
Sam Harris interviews Yuval Harari
* and for those who track this, the quote I mentioned at the beginning belongs to Dwight D. Eisenhower: "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."