In this spirit ... I also do mention Seneca as part of the philosophical groundwork of this experiment, later in the show.
The technical ins and outs, in the supportive bed of philisophical treatise, of my month without coffee: Why I did it, why I tried and failed before, what support I had this time, what I noticed, and what now ...
Heaps of show notes in this one. See the episode page for all those details!
My supplementation routine: in the morning, upon waking: 1 T triphala (an ayurvedic herb blend), 500 mg L-Tyrosine, and 2-4 capsules Oxylife Phenocane.
Charles Eisenstein's book: The Yoga of Eating.
Angelo Coppola's "Humans are Not Broken" article on his 30-day no-coffee experiment, titled "Why I Quite Coffee and How That's Been Working Out"
Daniel Vitalis' "Re-Wild Yourself" episode on self-dentistry.
See also: the Indiegogo campaign in the menu bar above, and also the interview I had with Tobin Giblin, episode 8 of this show, for more on this way of relating to pain and addiction.