The technical ins and outs, in the supportive bed of philisophical treatise, of my month without coffee: Why I did it, why I tried and failed before, what support I had this time, what I noticed, and what now ...
Heaps of show notes in this one. See the episode page for all those details!
My supplementation routine: in the morning, upon waking: 1 T triphala (an ayurvedic herb blend), 500 mg L-Tyrosine, and 2-4 capsules Oxylife Phenocane.
Charles Eisenstein's book: The Yoga of Eating.
Angelo Coppola's "Humans are Not Broken" article on his 30-day no-coffee experiment, titled "Why I Quite Coffee and How That's Been Working Out"
Daniel Vitalis' "Re-Wild Yourself" episode on self-dentistry.
See also: the Indiegogo campaign in the menu bar above, and also the interview I had with Tobin Giblin, episode 8 of this show, for more on this way of relating to pain and addiction.