New episode —a guided meditation and movement session with myself and Brooke Thomas — just went live! Find it here.
This episode, aside from the 6-min intro, is entirely a guided experience into, we hope, a deeper sense of living your body's intelligence (or at least one of near-infinite angles in, in this case the heart).
So, living your body's intelligence ... what's that mean? To get a feel, perhaps, for what it is, let's point to what it's not.
It's not blindly following every bodily desire that arises. (Only one donut orgy per month, alright?)
Nor is it forever perfecting your internal compass without moving in its direction, paralyzed by the potential — and inevitable — messiness of life.
It's something else, something that is both of these end ranges at the same time.
Pay attention, try, move, keep paying attention, refine, laugh and fail and fall and yet strive for a certain regality; this isn't child's play (unless, sometimes, it is) ...
Hoping, as always, this is something you enjoy and find useful. Love, LB (+ BT)