"Chill" and "Released of Extraneous Tension"

“Chill” says that, no matter what, don’t lose your cool. As a doing, it’s a state we’re going for, a command.

“Released of extraneous tension” points to that your cool is your body’s autonomic response to any given moment. Are there responses being lived in your body to events that are not actually happening now? (Of course, yes, for me too.)

As a doing, this release of the extraneous is an inquiry, a living hum perfect matched to every ripple of reality.

“How tense should you be?” makes absolutely no sense without the context of “What is actually happening?”

Most of the time, indeed, there’s no reason to be in a huff. But trying to chill out is reverse engineering. Ask what’s extraneous, and listen. The answer may be chill, but it might not.