
I’m teaching a new kind of workshop at the end of this month, both a first for me but also something that has been in the center of my heart for a long, long time.

It’s an approach to bodywork and movement training that also centers the field of interaction, that which doesn’t belong to anyone in particular but is a relational field.


If you’ve followed my take on anatomy, you may notice a correlation here with the three all-pervasive communication systems of the body: the nervous, vascular and fascial systems.

There is a fourth circle that isn’t on here, but perhaps someday will be named as such, which we can think of as energetic. This all-pervasive field is perhaps represented anatomically through the electromagnetic field created and perceived through the heart. Prajna.

(I’m not explicitly naming it as such in this training as for me it is so intertwined with the interpersonal piece, I think I will just leave it at that.)

Here’s to what we gain through, and the price of, codifying something! I’m sure looking forward to it.